A few nice photo of animals images I found:
Ecomuseum - Aigle - Eagle
Image by Humanoide
Dimanche, le 20 mai 2007, je suis allé à l'Ecomuseum avec le groupe Photo Safari Montreal. C'est un zoo privé avec plein de végétation et d'animaux de toutes sortes. C'est pas mal grand et très beau à voir. J'ai toujours un peu de peine à voir des animaux en captivité, mais je comprend le coté éducatif de la chose. Je crois que c'est bien fait en général, avec un certain espace disponible pour les animaux, incluant des parties plus "intimes" où ils peuvent se reposer. Ce n'est pas cher et c'est vraiment intéressant.
On Sunday, May 20, 2007, I went to the Ecomuseum with the Photo Safari Montreal group. It's a private zoo with a lot of plants and animals of all kind. It always make me a little sad to see animals in captivity, but I understand the educational part of it. I think they did a good job in general, with a certain amount of space available to the animals, including more "intimate" areas where they can rest. It's a beautiful place and very affordable.
Color Key Week – The Eye Of The Tiger
Image by Sprengben [why not get a friend]
Roooaaar! Run, be fast otherwise there might be a problem…
If this is what he thinks? I don’t know. The only thing I know is that the white Tiger as seen in the Singapore Zoo is majestic and royal.
Isn’t it interesting that an animal like the tiger can be so beautiful and fascinating whilst being one of the most dangerous animals on this planet? Nature always provides something unexpected. In case of a child it would surely want to cuddle with the Tiger because of it’s squashy coat. The first time he roars the child possibly would never trust a Tiger again…
If you want to particitpate in the Color Key Week tell me about your color key photos uploaded this week. I will comment and look at them!
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An Icelandic Horse in the Wild
Image by Stuck in Customs
If you want to see how I made this (and how you can too!), visit my HDR Tutorial. I hope it gives you some new tricks! I consider myself very lucky to have a network of great photographers around the world. I met most of them through Flickr, where we are constantly commenting and giving feedback on one another's photos. This has enabled me to meet up with great photographers wherever I travel, and they are great people to hang out with because they already know the prettiest places around where they live!
One of the people I was lucky to shoot with was Rebekka in Iceland. We met at a coffee shop in Reykjavik and talked about where to go shoot. We jumped in her car and drove a while until we reached a fjord. Nearby were these horses running around like wild beasts. They have no fear of humans, and we were able to go right up to them. Their hair is very long, and I'm sure it evolved from the hyper-cold whipping winds around the edges of the sea.
I don't shoot a lot of animals, because I find it hard to improve upon what other great animal photographers have done in the past. However, here is a tip for shooting animals. It's kind of a lame trick, but it always works. Use a wide-angle lens and get in close. It always makes the head look really big and cute. Humans love big-headed animals and it always makes them smile. Why this is, I have no idea... Note this trick also kinda works with babies.
Seriously, thanks to Rebekka for a great day tooling around the fjords of Iceland.
Oh, and yes.... I have pictures of Rebekka coming up at some point wearing her green-thing ... nothing too salacious for public consumption, I assure you... but in more of a "photographer in her milieu" milieu.
from my daily photo blog at www.stuckincustoms.com