
Nice Pet Animals photos

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Check out these pet animals images:

Orphaned cats for adoption in Maadi animal shelter, Cairo - Egypt
pet animals
Image by mnadi
Orphaned cats for adoption in Maadi animal shelter, Cairo - Egypt.
Photos taken by Sahar Elnadi

Oliver on Back of Sofa
pet animals
Image by Mr. T in DC
Oliver usually hangs out on the back of the sofa, facing away from the window, leading to lighting problems. Today, he faced towards the window, so I took a few shots while he was getting some good natural light on his face.


Oscar out and about, Part I
pet animals
Image by Conlawprof
I'm taking advantage of the first nice weather of the spring to try out my "new" Zuiko OM 135mm f/2.8 lens. Me likey.

Olympus E-500, Olympus Zuiko OM (film) 135mm f/2.8 lens (shot at f/2.8), Fotodiox OM:4/3 adapter, manually focused.

Sharing Exposures March theme: animals.
