A few nice video of animals images I found:
Southside Burger King .. Ralph 'Submarine' Stalvey (August 2009) ...item 2.. Pink Floyd - Animals (Full Album) ...item 3.. The Whole Foods Hustle -- so shut up and eat it. (9.7.12 @ 6:08AM) ...
Image by marsmet531
If you recognize the symptoms of DBS in yourself, don't fret. An antidote exists. Developed by a medicine man known as Mayor McCheese, alongside his lab assistants Grimace and the Hamburglar, the Big Mac offers curative powers in its yummy deliciousness.
It has spawned generic imitators: the Whopper, the Chalupa Supreme, Dave's Hot N Juicy 3/4 lb. Triple, and, of course, the Fatburger XXXL. They all work, so for less than -- approximately the price of an apple at Whole Foods -- DBS can be successfully treated.
........*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ........
... message header for item 1. "Submarine" Ralph
A stubborn person is one who refuses to change his mind about an idea, opinion, or an action that he wants to take, and refuses to give explanation to why he is resisting.
Often times, it is hard to try to convince someone who is stubborn and doesn’t believe in anything except his ideas, so what makes a person stubborn?
.....item 1).... "Submarine" Ralph Stalvey
How to deal with a stubborn person
Do you know someone who is stubborn and doesn’t change his opinion? How can you deal with a stubborn person?
--- Causes of stubbornness
1. The person defends his opinion
A stubborn person might feel that his opinion or idea is not liked by others and neglected, so he tries to make himself important by imposing his opinion on others.
2. Belief in his opinion
He might believe that what he thinks and believes is the truth and it is a fact, hence opposes anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
3. Pride
A stubborn person might oppose anyone who says he is wrong. This stubborn person might stick with what he thinks for the sake of his pride.
4. Inner feelings of inferiority
A person could be stubborn because he might feel that he is inferior compared to others. He tries to cover his weakness by screaming and imposing his opinion, so he can feel that he is better than everyone else.
--- Dealing with a stubborn person
To learn how to deal with a stubborn person, follow the quick guide below:
1. Be flexible
Learn to be flexible and don’t try to impose what you say on someone who is stubborn. When you try to force your opinion, this might lead to arguments. Try to find common ground with the person who is stubborn and try not to appear that you know more than him.
2. Respect his opinion
Don’t tell the stubborn person that he is wrong. A stubborn person doesn’t like it when someone tells him that he is wrong and he might close all doors of understanding and will not accept any other opinion.
3. Don’t attack
To make a stubborn person accept your point of view, you must not attack him. Try to show him during your discussion that this is how you feel regarding the idea based on what he said.
4. Agree to disagree
If the conversation gets heated, then it is better to agree to disagree. If you believe that the other person will not agree with you and he is being stubborn, then why you want to continue with the conversation?
5. Be patient
When you are with a stubborn person, you have to be patient. Don’t give him a chance to irritate and upset you.
6. Avoid rushing in speech
When you talk, you have to be careful which words to use. If you react in a negative way towards him without listening to his idea, he might put you in a difficult position. It is a good idea to mention something positive about his ideas each once a while, so you can encourage him to understand you better.
.....item 2).... youtube video ... Pink Floyd - Animals (Full Album) ... 40:29 minutes
Published on Jun 3, 2012 by tvmoviesandmusic
Pink Floyd's Animals.
1. Pigs on the Wing (Part One) - 0:00
2. Dogs - 1:21
3. Pigs (Three Different Ones) - 17:57
4. Sheep - 28:59
5. Pigs on the Wing (Part Two) - 39:04
Standard YouTube License
.....item 3).... The American Spectator ... spectator.org ...
The Whole Foods Hustle
By DANIEL J. FLYNN on 9.7.12 @ 6:08AM --- September 7, 2012
Free-ranging chicken McNuggets will keep you healthy and solvent, assuming you widen your appreciation of genuine organic food.
There is no discernible nutritional difference between food from the farmer's market and food from the supermarket, scientists report. But there is a dramatic price variation, and that status separation was the point all along.
People don't pay for better-for-you. They pay for better-than-you.
The study, released earlier this week by medical researchers at Stanford University and the Palo Alto VA, found essentially the same protein, vitamin, and fat content between organic and standard store-bought food. Normal food did exhibit slightly higher pesticide residues, which is another way of saying bugs ate your organic food before you did.
It may be best to refrain from sharing this health news with people who tend to be evangelical regarding their dietary beliefs. The crowd at Whole Foods can be downright preachy. America's leading advice columnists surely have a bead on emerging forms of table snobbery, which have shifted from the proper placement of utensils to the farming techniques used to raise consumables.
The hostess of a dinner party informs Ask Amy, "An invited guest has stated that she can eat only organic food purchased at a specific specialty store. This can be very expensive and I'm not prepared to do it."
Another woman tells of how the wealthier moms in her daughter's playgroup ostracize her. "I sent some homemade cookies and store-bought veggies and dip for the snack last week," the mom tells Dear Prudence, "and apparently this was not up to snuff! The mothers said that my vegetables were clearly not homegrown and organic and that they could taste the pesticides and preservatives on them. They asked if I knew that ranch dip is high in cholesterol and saturated fat which leads to heart disease."
The words that come out of their mouths, as much as the food that goes in them, exemplify the arrogance. Wonder Bread is as organic -- i.e., it is the stuff of living material -- as Joseph's Heart Healthy Pita Bread. It may not be as healthy. It is as organic. It's hard to believe, but even the glassed-in edibles under that red lamp at 7-11 are organic. Who awarded wealthy white food fascists the copyright to the word "organic"?
Inspired by Stanford's report, I conducted my own scientific study and discovered that eating organic food results in a dire medical condition called DBS. That's doctor jargon for, well -- the last letter stands for "syndrome" and the second one stands for "bag." And that "D"? Even Scaramouche could deduce despite my inner censor giving it the shoosh.
Symptoms of DBS include a preference for European football over American football, a belief that watching Charlie Rose makes one an intellectual, and a penchant for wearing seasonally inappropriate clothing, such as shorts in winter or turtlenecks in summer.
If you know a couple married by a priestess wearing a rainbow-colored "Coexist" stole, who raise cats rather than kids, where the husband sports a ponytail and the wife a boy's regular, and who go by separate last names, chances are they are burdened with DBS.
Rural America, which presumably harvests most of America's organic food, remains strangely immune from DBS. The affliction reaches epidemic proportions around Harvard Square, on Telegraph Avenue, and in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. Like hepatitis A, DBS is spread by foul digestibles -- Trader Joe's seems an especially egregious incubator of the illness. But like hepatitis C, DBS seems as much a social disease as anything else. It's contagious, so be careful who you break whole-grain bread with.
If you recognize the symptoms of DBS in yourself, don't fret. An antidote exists. Developed by a medicine man known as Mayor McCheese, alongside his lab assistants Grimace and the Hamburglar, the Big Mac offers curative powers in its yummy deliciousness. It has spawned generic imitators: the Whopper, the Chalupa Supreme, Dave's Hot N Juicy 3/4 lb. Triple, and, of course, the Fatburger XXXL. They all work, so for less than -- approximately the price of an apple at Whole Foods -- DBS can be successfully treated.
Once tasting the bounty of the Golden Arches, one tends to avoid the farmer's market.
For people who have made a religion of science, the Stanford study's findings will be as difficult to swallow as a gluten-free cupcake. But, as we are reminded from debates over global warming and evolution, science has spoken -- so shut up and eat it.
Daniel J. Flynn is the author of Blue Collar Intellectuals: When the Enlightened and the Everyman Elevated America. He blogs at www.flynnfiles.com.
David Brooks -- The Social Animal
Image by drona
I enjoyed David Brooks' talk at TED2011 and his writing as well, and I loved the two books of his that I read -- The Social Animal and Bobos in Paradise.
Some great one-liners in this talk
PS: Used a bit of photo-trickery to wipe out the video camera that was at his back on the right (to his left)
Video camera watching us
Image by jon_a_ross
Our first stop at the zoo on this trip was to the Africian Savannah building. The birds and Giraffes were both very active as the zoo keepers were busy feeding both of them.
A brief trip to the Calgary Zoo (www.calgaryzoo.com).