A few nice photo of animals images I found:
And I have a few more for you... (Kilimanjaro Safaris, Animal Kingdom)
Image by ohhector
I told myself when I decided to keep this shot to be posted, that I wouldn't waste my time going on and on about how 90% of the "photographers" at WDW should have their cameras taken away from them.
I lied.
Haha...I'll keep it short and simple. As a photographer, I understand sometimes you have to momentarily inconvenience someone else to get a great shot. But if I am going to put myself in that position, I make sure that a) I apologize before/during/after to whoever i inconvenienced b) I am very mindful of the fact that I am being a little bit of a pain, and try to make it as quick as possible c) I am going to take a super AMAZING photo worth taking.
At a reunion show recently for one of my favorite bands, I was able to get right against the stage. I got some amazing photographs. Some guy behind me though, spent a good 25 minutes with his huge camera, flash, and diffuser practically in the face of the singer. I am NOT exagerating on either of those points! That was shitty of him enough as it is, but when I saw the photos later on...well, frankly they were TERRIBLE, amateur stuff. Not a single worthwhile photo, for having inconvenienced virtually EVERYONE (including the singer!) at that small club for almost half an hour.
Point is, I don't believe in 'the greater good" as an excuse for people being allowed to run rampant with their cameras. A camera is a tool, and should be used responsibly. The "I'm just recording memories for my family" excuse, is a load of bullshit. That's like some jerk cutting in front of everyone else in line at the parking lot, and going "well I'm just trying to get to the park first, FOR MY FAMILY"
And don't get me started on the idiots that shoot flash photography in dark rides or shows. They should be pulled aside after, and have their cameras confiscated. They could then get their cameras back, after taking a nicely designed Disney "What NOT to do with your camera" class.
Animal Party!
Image by Ferminius
Luces de escenario + flash&pocket wizard mini tt1 y tt5 al fondo del escenario.
Podeis ver más fotos del concierto de "Animal Party" aquí
You can see more photos of the concert here
Fewer animals to be used for scientific experiments
Image by European Parliament
The number of animals used in scientific experiments is set to be reduced under new EU legislation approved by the European Parliament on Wednesday 08 of September 2010. The aim is to strike a better balance between animal welfare and the need for research into diseases.
Member States will have two years to comply with new rules that aim to scale down the number of animals used for scientific purposes while not hindering research.
During the debate, German MEP Elisabeth Jeggle (pictured in the photo), who steered the legislation through Parliament, said the compromise reached was a good deal and told MEPs "if you want animals to be protected, please give it your support".
Read more: www.europarl.europa.eu/news/public/focus_page/008-80686-1...
©European Parliament/Pietro Naj-Oleari