A few nice wild animals images I found:
The Andean Cock-of-the-Rock
Image by bfick
I've had a deep love and fascination with birds ever since I owned a Conure years ago; yet the Lek (Rupicola Peruviana) is one of the most interesting birds I've ever seen. Its disc-like orange crest basically covers its bill; I wanted instead to focus on its stare and the detail of the bird's colours. My lens was on its macro setting and I was basically less than a foot away from it when I shot this piece, which goes to show that these birds are raised to be hand fed and are docile to humans. This image was photographed at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
I Said Who You lookin' At? Better Not Be Me!
Image by peasap
This guy was staring at us as we walked into the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Didn't notice those nasty looking claws sticking out of his chest?
Wild Animal
Image by Théo La Photo
... well, not that wild. Just a chicken, probably the most stupid animal on earth.